Our 2023-2025 objectives & roadmap
Our mission is to help young Malagasy to study and accompany them in their professional training so that they become the Citizens of Madagascar of Tomorrow.
Our 2023-2025 objectives
The continuous improvement of the living and studying conditions of our sponsored children and students
80% success rate in the Brevet and Bac exams, and 100% success rate in higher education
Our self-sufficiency program of our centers hosting children and students in food and energy.
Our 2023-2025 roadmap
Recruitment of new sponsors in Europe
Fundraising to support our food and energy self-sufficiency projects resulting from various events, and from private sector or NGO sponsorships (participation to call for projects)
The construction of fish ponds, the development of poultry farming and our vegetable gardens to achieve our food self-sufficiency program
The improvement of energy installations (solar), the renewal of furniture, the purchase of school and computer equipment, the purchase of bicycles, ...
The reinforcement of knowledge in languages and sciences through a partnership with the "Alliance française" and access to knowledge through digital technology
Mutual aid between former and new sponsees
Regular communication with sponsors and sponsees.