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Our educational project

Our values


Sponsorship allows Malagasy children and young students from poor families to have access to school and to pursue their studies in good conditions thanks to the reception structures offered by donors.

Sponsorship is a concrete action that allows the complete care of young people by covering all their needs: accommodation, food, school fees, medical follow-up, school follow-up ....

Although nominative, sponsorship is often mutualized, a solidarity necessary to the life of the group.

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A mutual commitment is established between the sponsored child or student and his or her sponsor. Financial commitment on the part of the sponsor, commitment of the sponsee to pursue serious studies and to keep his or her sponsor regularly informed.

A commitment to accompany the young sponsee in the pedagogical and educational fields by providing them with audio-visual and computer equipment, by installing a library in each center, by helping them to follow courses at the "Alliance Française" to improve French language.

Help young the young sponsee to adhere to values such as:
"Working" values :

The taste for effort, work well done, the will to succeed...

Solidarity and sharing, mutual aid and sharing of skills, tutoring and monitoring …

’Living together’ values :

Respect : self-respect, respect of others, respect for the environment, respect for one's own work and that of others, respect for each other's beliefs..

Freedom:  free speech, sharing speech to develop freedom of expression and pluralism of opinions.
The spirit of responsibility to be an honest and responsible citizen in the community.

3 - Thèse doctor en médecine de Louisett


Transparency on the allocation and the usage of the funds

100% of the sponsoring is dedicated to JMDD Madagascar, by bank transfer: 

- 85% of the funds are allocated to the needs of the sponsees

- 15% are dedicated to the structures (premises maintenance, energy, allowances to the local teams)

JMDD Reunion Island is ensuring a compliant usage of funds with a strict accounting process. 


- Annual report of the ordinary general assembly which presents the moral, activity and financial reports of the year

- News flashes and newsletters regularly posted on the association's website and on Facebook page.


Jean-Claude Sertier

JMDD President

Our mission is to help young Malagasy to study and accompany them in their professional training so that they become the Citizens of Madagascar of Tomorrow.

Our 2023-2025 objectives

Improvement of the living and studying conditions of the children and students


80% success in the secondary school diploma and 100% success in higher education

Our 2023-2025 roadmap

Recruitment of new sponsors in Europe


Fundraising (e.g. tombola, corporate sponsorship, various events)

Projects aiming at food and energy self-sufficiency

Our digital project to network the centers for better access to knowledge

Regular communication with sponsors and godchildren.

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